Goal #1: Beginning in Feb. of 2011, I want students to develop guidelines to have all students, regardless of learning ability feel as though our classroom is a place they can grow in their learning with each other.
Timeline: Beginning February 1, 2011 – May 27, 2011
Community~ I keep in communication with other teachers to see if a positive
climate is transferring to their classrooms.
Research~ I will research student lead, positive classroom climates.
Best Practice ~ I will research best practices for a positive learning
Curriculum & Assessment ~ I will assess with exit slips & student
observation w/ journaling. I will also use the FLIP
camera to document and assess our classroom
Democracy, Diversity & Social Justice ~ Students will learn respect for
Technology~ With the FLIP camera I will document our classroom
Teacher Leadership~ I will lead, model and encourage students to take pride
in their classroom and education.
Goal #2: By the fall of 2011 I am going to read the Research Ready Classroom and implement at least 5 room changes to increase student achievement based on the set up of the learning environment.
Timeline: Beginning March 1, 2011 – March 1, 2012
Community~ I will discover how “physical space” can affect the community of the
Research~ I will research how classroom design influences student learning.
Best Practice ~ I will research best practices on classroom design and
increased student achievement.
Curriculum & Assessment ~ I will assess with exit slips & student
observation w/ journaling. I will also use the FLIP camera
to document and assess our classroom climate. Finally I will look for
individual point increases per student between their beginning of the
year & January MAP assessments.
Democracy, Diversity & Social Justice ~ Students will learn respect for
themselves, others and their
Technology~ With the FLIP camera I will document our classroom
Climate and use other technology (SMARTBoard, iPad, iPod to
increase student engagement with learning along with student
happenings” they may wish to incorporate in their